Friday, August 9, 2019

Repairing Rusty Gates - Gate And Garage

Metal gates are good in terms of appearance, durability and strength. However, there's one problem with them which has to be faced by homeowners and that’s rust. Though this gate does not require high maintenance costs they need regular upkeep to prevent them from corrosion.

Metal gate should be kept clean of dust all the time to ensure that the upper coat on the gates doesn't get any scratches. Any problem with the topcoat may make the gates stand exposed to carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. Rust covers the surface of the gate quickly. Gates should be repaired quickly on the first sight of the rust. Let's see, how to do it.

• Take a wire brush and scrub the gate to get rid of all the loose rust. Peel off as much rust as possible by scrubbing the gates carefully.

• Then use naval jelly and apply it freely on the remaining rust with help of a disposable paintbrush. Coat the rusted areas of the gate with the jelly and wait for about half an hour so that the jelly loosens up the rust stuck to the surface. You must cover your hands and eyes with protective gears to make sure that the chemicals in the jelly don't cause any harms to your body.

• Then wash all the naval jelly off the gate with water. Ensure that no trace of the jelly remains on the gate.

• Now you need to rub the affected areas of the gate with sandpaper. The sandpaper should be medium-sized. It will help you remove all the rust left by naval jelly.

• After making sure that the primer is completely dry, apply a coat of enamel paint with a paintbrush. When the first coat of the paint dries, apply the second coat. Both coats of the top paint should be air-dried according to the instructions provided on the label.

These are the best ways to ensure your gate is protected against rust. You can contact a professional gate installation expert to help you maintain your gate.

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